My family’s annual Christmas party happened yesterday. As usual, it was ridiculous:
There were the beef tacos.

And the chicken tacos.
And the shredded chicken with Mexican rice, black beans and aioli crema.

Since the party was tex-mex themed, there was a table with chips and salsa and guacamole, of course. But the guac came with grapefruit salsa à la ABC Cocina in New York City. And there were nachos. Plus a bunch of skewered pineapple, melons, mangoes, oranges and papaya with chili salt.

To drink, cinnamon and chili-spiked hot chocolate.

Then some roasted jalapeno peppers stuffed with sautéed mushrooms, kale and guacamole. Woo, were they good.

Then an homage to ABC Cocina in New York City:

Then, acorn squash stuffed with apple pico de gallo, onions, garlic, cilantro and sherry.
Then, the desserts.

What’s missing? The margaritas with a basil-salt rim, the bunuelos with cinnamon and local Newfoundland honey, the grapefruit salsa for the guacamole, the assembled vegan tacos and the roasted Labrador char tacos with pickled cabbage and lime.
What was my favourite? The roasted, stuffed squash, actually. The sherry and apples were a great combination. And the margaritas were pretty intense. We served them in sherry glasses, actually. Made for smaller servings and less drunk driving…very important.
All this took about 2 1/2 days to prepare and 4 people to serve. Thanks to my mom, dad and brother for setting up, serving and cleaning with me. Thanks to everyone who came, ate, drank and was merry.
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