Thanks to everyone who came to the Nun’s Island market today. Despite the rain, it was a nice atmosphere and I’m glad to have met some wonderful people. Here are the recipes I made today, slightly adapted from my portable grill to your home kitchens. (This is how I make these recipes at home myself.)
Curry-Grilled Cauliflower with Dried Figs and Toasted Pine Nuts
1 small head cauliflower, cut into bite-sized florets
1/4 cup pine nuts or almonds
2 tablespoons curry powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
4 teaspoons sunflower oil
1 bunch watercress, arugula or other delicate greens
1/4 cup raisins or chopped dried figs
1 lemon, juiced
Preheat oven to 450 F. Line a large baking sheet or roasting pan with parchment paper. In a large bowl, combine curry powder, sea salt, honey or maple syrup, oil and vinegar. Mix thoroughly. Add cauliflower and nuts and toss to coat. Transfer to pan and roast in oven on middle rack for about 30 minutes, stirring after 20 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool. Just before serving, add watercress, raisins or figs and lemon juice to cauliflower and toss to combine. Serves 6 as a side dish.
Raw Beet and Carrot Salad (and Black Radish)
The black radish was a last minute addition when I saw them at the market. They add a little kick, but you can use regular radishes (though they’re harder to grate) or leave the radishes out entirely, as in the original recipe. Use a regular cheese grater, kitchen mandoline, or food processor with a grater attachment to chop the vegetables. The Dijon is not raw…if you are a raw foodist, leave it out, or make your own mustard using mustard seeds and apple cider vinegar.
3 cups grated beets (about 6-8 small beets)
3 cups grated carrots (about 3 large carrots)
1 cup grated black radishes (about 2-3), optional
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp sunflower oil
Juice of 1 lemon (about ¼ cup lemon juice, to taste)
1 tbsp maple syrup (or to taste)
1/2 cup coarsely chopped parsley (plus a few sprigs for garnish)
1/2 tsp salt
1 tablespoon Dijon
Crushed coriander seed
Shred beets and carrots in a food processor, with a kitchen mandoline, or grater and combine in a large serving bowl. Whisk together the vinegar, oil, lemon juice, sea salt, and Dijon. Drizzle dressing over the beets and carrots and mix lightly. Gently fold in parsley and add a few sprigs on top for garnish. Serves 8.
Choufleur Rôti au Cari
1 choufleur, coupé en petits morceaux
1/4 tasse noix de pins ou amandes rôti
2 c. à thé poudre de cari
1/2 c. à thé sel
1 c. à table miel ou sirop d’érable
2 c. à table vinaigre au cidre de pomme
4 c. à thé huile de tournesol
1 botte de cresson, roquette ou autre salade fine (épinards…)
1/4 tasse raisins, ou figues sechées coupées
Jus d’un citron
Préchauffez le four à 450 F. Mettez du papier parchemin ou l’aluminium sur un plaque à biscuit ou une casserole. Dans une bol, combinez le poudre à cari, sel, miel our sirop d’érable, huile et vinaigre. Ajoutez le choufleur et noix de pin ou amandes et bien mélangez le tout. Transférez à la plaque et faites cuire dans le four pendant 20 minutes. Remuez et retournez la plaque au four pendant 5-10 minutes, jusqu’à le choufleur soit bient rôti mais pas brulé. Juste avant de servir, ajoutez le cresson, raisins ou figues et jus de citron (aoutez le moitié du jus, goutez, et ajoutez plus si vous désirez). 6 portions.
Salade Crue aux Betteraves et Carottes (et Radis Noir)
Le Radis noir était une addition dernière minute à la salade. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser du radis régulier, ou vous pouvez choisir de ne pas utiliser du radis de tout. Le Dijon n’est pas cru, donc si vous etes un “raw foodist” ne l’utilisez pas, ou faites votre propre moutarde avec de graines de moutarde et du vinaigre crue au cidre de pomme.
3 tasses betteraves râpées (6-8 petits betteraves entiers)
3 tasses carottes râpées (3 grosses carottes)
1 tasse radi noir, râpés (2-3 radis noir), optionnel
1 c. à table vinaigre au cidre de pomme
1 c. à table huile de tournesol
Jus d’un citron (facultatif ¼ tasse)
1/2 tasse persil haché (2 branches d’extra pour garnir)
1/2 c. à thé sel
1 c. à table Dijon
Râpez les betteraves et carottes et mettez dans un bol. Combinez le vinaigre, l’huile, le jus de citron, le sel, et le Dijon et ajoutez aux betteraves et carottes. Remuez légèrement. Ajoutez le persil haché et garnir avec les branches extra. 8 portions.
Great post Amie!
I truly admire your culinary and blogging work. I had discussions with Mother Earth, and my heart tells me it will be a very beautiful day next time at New Moon in two weeks. Will you be there again at this last market? If so I invite you at my place after the event if you would like to see and visit the beautiful forest behind my flat and perhaps enjoy some of the local produce with me. I will also be at the Raw Vegan Potluck next Saturday probably with Priscilla and some other fruity friends that I think you’ve met at the apple orchard.
If I can give my personal advice, I think your recipes are fabulous, and I would also add simpler ones that take less ingredients so that perhaps we can have an extra different dish or two yet the same amount of effort overall. I love Lao Tzu’s quote:
“I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are my greatest treasures.”
Thanks, Jerome. That’s a lovely quote. I on’t be at the market in two weeks, unfortunately. I’ll be out of town. And I’m not sure if I’ll be at the potluck. I’m leaning towards yes, but it’s still up in the air because it’s Thanksgiving weekend.