I guess I should start from the very beginning. I’ve been on the road (or, more often, in the air) for the last month-and-a-half. From Montreal, I headed to Toronto to celebrate a birthday (not mine, but you can see the gastronomic ramifications from creamy labneh to impeccable sushi here, here and here). Then it was a day in Miami on my way to Aruba for a week of work, snorkeling and ceviche (with a little bachata thrown in). Then, after a quick re-pack in Montreal, I left for a week in Las Vegas, with a side trip to Utah via Arizona when it rained in Red Rocks (you can’t climb on wet sandstone), followed by a short flight to San Francisco, a drive to wine country, and a few days in Oakland.
I’ll be writing about the individual trips in the upcoming weeks, but for now, here’s a mini photo recap. Yes, that’s a lot of palm trees. Yes, vacation is good for the soul. But if you can combine it with work, and find a balance, that’s when everything feels right.

And on that note, I’m off to walk through Oakland and Berkeley in search of kava (not Cava) and a little more relaxation and fun before my time in California slips away. Come back for photos of Chez Panisse, the best wines I tasted, and hopefully some kava.
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