I brought back lucuma powder from Peru. Think of it as powdered brown sugar mixed with sweet potato. Yes you can powder sweet potato. The banana overpowered the lucuma powder, and as I don’t have that much, I was careful with how much I used, but there’s a natural sweetness to the dried fruit, a creaminess that works with smoothies and ice cream (to come), and a satisfying special treat quality. Now that I have 15 cups of homemade almond milk in my fridge I’ll be making some ice cream, but even a lucuma mlkshake is a great idea.
I miss exotic fruit. Powder is great, but give me a whole fruit lucuma smoothie any day. I love Canada but it’s such a sad, sad, place with a lack of fruit. For now, powdered lucuma is as close as I’ll get to tropical paradise. Kind of like powdered milk. How do people come up with this stuff?
You can buy lucuma powder at some natural health food stores and I know for sure you can get it at Marché Bleuet at 2733 Notre-Dame West, just east of rue Atwater. Skip the market and come here. Heather and Dale are the nicest health food shop owners ever. I’m convinced.
Lucuma Banana Smoothie
1 banana
2 tbsp lucuma powder
1/2 cup almond milk
1. Blend.
2. Dream of jungles and fruit trees.
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