I love morning smoothies, but for the last year and a half I couldn’t make them. Until now. My roommate moved out. And the first thing I did was make a cantaloupe-mint smoothie.
My former roommate was a late riser, and I never wanted to wake him up by blasting the blender at 7 a.m. I could make one the night before, but who wants to wake up to leftover smoothie? By then, all the ice crystals have melted and the fruit has separated from the water. Not appetizing.
So the first thing I did when my roommate left was make a smoothie. It’s been a long time since I lived alone for more than a few months. I like living with people. But the quiet has been really nice. The feeling of coming home to my place. Not worrying about disturbing someone else. I’m a bit worried that I’ll never want to go back to living with someone. I’ll have to put my things away all the time again. I’ll have to immediately clean my pots before even sitting down to eat. I’ll have to give up smoothies (or live with someone who’s up even earlier than I am).
For now, I’ll be enjoying more smoothies like this one. Because a little solitude can be delicious.
Cantaloupe-Mint Smoothie
Makes 1 smoothie (because you’re not making one for anyone else)
Take a bunch of cubes of ripe cantaloupe, add a small handful of mint leaves, a tiny bit of lemon or lime juice and 5 or 6 ice cubes. Optionally add honey or orange juice or other juice or almond milk to your desired level of sweetness. Blend. Eat immediately, but slowly, to enjoy the taste of freedom.
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